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Dioklecijanov kruh

Diocletian’s bread PANIS LEGIONARIVS- the story of a Roman legionary and his food

Thanks to top organization and steel discipline, the Roman legionary was the most powerful soldier of his time and the Roman army conquered the then known world and introduced the Pax Romana from the end of the 1st century BC. by the end of the 2nd century. This period is characterized by a long absence of armed conflicts, which created the conditions for the hitherto unprecedented development of transport links in the Mediterranean and Europe, and the flourishing economy, architecture and art and the spread of Roman and antic culture, which then reached its peak.

The diet of Roman soldiers was high quality and was based on cereals rich in carbohydrates, meat and cheese, and wine and vinegar. Their main food items were cereals, meat and cheese. Barley and oatmeal were served in the camps, and bacon and mutton were eaten from the meat. When the legion was on the move, the staple food was toasted legionnaire bread called “bucellatum”.
“Bucellatum” was eaten dry or dipping in wine posca, a popular Roman drink mixed with wine, vinegar, water and herbs.

The late-Roman Codex Theodosianus, which is a collection of Roman laws, mentions that a Roman soldier should be equipped with a bucellatum ac panem, vinum quoque atque acetum, sed et laridum, carnem verbecinam, or “hardtack and bread, wine too and vinegar, but also bacon and mutton” (VII.4.6). Hardtack, vinegar and mutton were to be enough for two days, and then the soldier was to use bread, wine and bacon. Such food was ideal for the army on the move, where each legionary carried 30 to 40 kilograms of equipment on the marches, which included the required amount of food, sometimes for 10 days, in conditions where all sorts of troubles could be expected.

PANIS LEGIONARIVS bucellatum (hardtack or rush) was a simple cookie made of ancient (spelt and oat) flour, salt, olive oil, spices and water, of high hardness, baked twice at low temperature for a long time, so as to be sure that no moisture will get inside. Such food was ideal in the army in action, where adverse weather conditions could be expected.
For you, we are hand made according to the original recipe PANIS LEGIONARIVS Diocletian’s bread bucellatum with the image of the emperor (284-305) Diocletian (lat. Gaius Aurelius Valerius Diocletianus) who built himself an imperial palace in which he died and was buried, and thus founded the city of Split.
Taste it PANIS LEGIONARIVS, go back in ancient Roman and emperor Diocletian’s time and enjoy a walk through the city of Split (


D I O K L E C I J A N O V K R U H PANIS LEGIONARIVS- priča o rimskom legionaru i njegovoj hrani

Zahvaljujući vrhunskoj organizaciji i čeličnoj disciplini rimski legionar je bio najmoćniji vojnik svoga vremena i Rimska vojska je osvojila sav tada poznati svijet i uvela Pax Romana od kraja 1. vijeka prije nove ere. do kraja 2. vijeka. Taj period je karakterizirao dugotrajan izostanak oružanih sukoba što je stvorilo uvjete za dotada nezabilježen razvoj prometnih veza na Mediteranu i Europi, te i procvat ekonomije, arhitekture i umjetnosti te širenje Rimske, odnosno antičke kulture koja je tada doživjela svoj vrhunac.

Prehrana Rimskih vojnika je bila kvalitetna i bazirala se na žitaricama bogatim ugljikohidratima, mesu i siru, te vinu i octu. Glavna hrana bili su im žitarice, meso i sir. U logorima se posluživala ječmena i zobena kaša, a od mesa se jela slanina i ovčetina u manjim količinama. Kada je legija bila u pokretu osnovna hrana je bio prepečeni legionarski kruh zvan “buccellatum”.

“Bucellatum” se jeo suh ili umočen u napitak posca, popularno rimsko piće, mješavinu vina, octa, vode i začinskog bilja.
Kasnorimski Codex Theodosianus, zbirka rimskih zakona, spominje kako bi rimski legionar za teren trebao biti opremljen “buccellatum ac panem, vinum quoque atque acetum, sed et laridum, carnem verbecinam”, ili „dvopekom kao kruhom, vinom i octom, ali i slaninom i ovčetinom” (VII.4.6)., ocat i ovčetina trebali su biti dovoljni za dva dana, a zatim je vojnik trebao koristiti legionarski kruh, vino i slaninu.
“Bucellatum” (prepečenac ili dvopek) bio je jednostavan biskvit od starog (pirovog i zobenog) brašna, soli, maslinovog ulja, začina i vode, velike tvrdoće, dvaput pečen na niskoj temperaturi dulje vrijeme, kako ne bi primio vlagu. Takva je hrana bila idealna za vojsku u pokretu, gdje je svaki legionar na marševima nosio 30 do 40 kilograma opreme, u što je bila uključena i potrebna količina hrane, nekada i za 10 dana u uvjetima gdje su se mogle očekivati svakojake neprilike.

Za Vas smo po originalnoj recepturi ručno izradili PANIS LEGIONARIVS Dioklecijanov kruh bucellatum s likom cara (284-305) Dioklecijana (lat. Gaius Aurelius Valerius Diocletianus) koji je sebi sagradio carsku palaču u kojoj je umro i bio pokopan , te tako osnovao grad Split.
Kušajte PANIS LEGIONARIVS, vratite se u doba starog Rima i cara Dioklecijana i uživajte u šetnji gradom Splitom (

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